Theories that have no scientific basis
Every few days you will see that a new unscientific theory pops up saying world is going to end in 2012. While there is a limit to predictions that are said to be scientific, we can’t really control predictions that are unscientific isn’t it? Every now and then they just pop up. People start predicting religious scriptures in the way they wish and just come up with a theory. Here are a few:
As per Hopi Indians, who come from a group of Southwestern people called Pueblo, we are living in the 4th world and will move to 5th one soon. End of 4th world will bring spiritual conflict and destruction.
Many belonging to Christianity or Islam believe that the ‘Armageddon’ or the ‘Day of Judgment’ will happen on 21st Dec 2012. It is the final war between ‘the Satan and his army’ and ‘the Jesus and his army’. The Jesus is going to win the war and final judgment of men on earth will be done.
And in Hindu religion there is a different belief. There are four Yugas: Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali Yuga. And we are in Kaliyuga which started from 3102 BCE. It is believed that Lord Krishna mentioned that after first 5000 years in Kaliyuga, Golden age will start to continue for next 10000 years. And it is exactly 2012!! While, the question of how Kaliyuga is going to end will remain open, golden age is considered to be good. So, many say that the catastrophe will wipe out the bad in Kaliyuga and retains the good. So the end is for the sake of good. Even Babas and astrologers are stressing on the same in India.
With theories, the definitions for 2012 doomsday itself changes. Some say everything will just wipe out; some say only the ‘bad’ will be wiped out; some say it is partial catastrophe which kills millions of people but not all are going to see the end; and some say nothing physical will wipe out, it is just the thinking that changes. Wow! Which one is right? Most like, if you decide to believe, you will believe in what a person, whom you respect, supports.
Now, different religions have different sayings. And most of all they haven’t given any specific time when doomsday would strike us. They mention Armageddon, the war between Satan and the Jesus etc etc but show me a proof which indicates it is going to happen in 2012 only? And with Hindu religion, it also has a proof just like Mayan calendar which doesn’t answer how, where, why and what. It doesn’t point to any doomsday. In fact scriptures say Kaliyuga, in total, continues for 4320000 years. They all started saying doomsday is going to occur in 2012 just because Mayan calendar is ending on that particular day? Why Armageddon need to happen on that day itself, why not today? It is much clear that they are predicting these doomsdays because Mayan calendar is ending on 21st Dec 2012. Otherwise there is no reason, not even a religion based reason, why it should happen on that particular day or year.
Even people gone through pains of finding Nostradamus predictions about doomsday like the below:
After great misery for mankind an even greater one approaches, when the great cycle of the centuries is renewed. It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and disease. In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a tail of sparks.
Now who is going to tell us it happens only on 21st December, 2012and why didn’t it happen on Y2K? The sayings by Nostradamus are so generic that you can almost assign any saying to any disaster. But yes, people claim they did proper research on these predictions. But every one of them almost failed every single time. More than that, on what basis Nostradamus would predict anything at all? Only he who lost his rational thinking believes in these predictions. No science can approve it. No religion can approve it because just like astrology this is just a speculation which has no logic to support its predictions. Only in movies you can see such predictions turning into reality and otherwise, in real, it will either fail or the predictor will cheat you. And even if there are predictors who really believe in what they say, it is their false belief and nothing else.
When it comes to Media, seems like every channel has its own program on 2012 that appears periodically. They all show impressive video clips and images which depict doomsday. And continue with details of what all different theories we have and how the world is going to end. Then you will see that there will be no analysis or very little analysis. The program will end with a big question ‘Is it true? Will world really end in 2012?’ And there are different gurus and babas [spiritual leaders] who continue with their own versions every day.
Some spiritual leader was commenting, ‘You don’t want pralaya[holocaust]? Why not? You are creating pralaya for animals so God is creating pralaya for you! Stop creating pralaya for animals and God will stop creating pralaya for you!!’
Some other Guruji was saying, ‘No. The world is not going to end. But the true disciples of God will be saved. You need to be sure you left all bad deeds. And we are arranging for a Pooja [worship of God] and yajna[religious ritual where God worship will be done. In earlier days a sacrifice used to be made to make God happy]. So make sure that you contact us for it and do Pooja and change yourselves before 2012.’
Now, what these people are trying to convince us? They themselves don’t have a unity in what will happen and how it is going to happen. They simply don’t know what they are talking about. They say global warming will cause deaths. This shows they heard that term – Global Warming. But in reality, they don’t even know what it is. It all looks total crap. You just need to become a third person to understand it is all crap. If you admire that spiritual leader then keep it aside and think for a moment. You will understand what he is saying is crap. I can’t believe they can relate doomsday prediction to what man is doing to animals!! And if doomsday is already decided why do you need to go for a special pooja? Or even why you need to care if you are already a good person with values? Why people fall for it – we will look in a later section. But yes, certainly there is no basis for any these predictions.
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