So-termed “Scientific predictions”
There are many predictions that are believed to be scientific by the common man. These vary from a plant, asteroid hitting earth, Sun flares destroying earth, volcano destroying the earth etc. Before you start with these topics I must say, there is a big difference between the general speculations and scientific speculation. A scientific speculation consists of some boundaries which define limits to how far a speculation could go. Like we say, we expect solar flares and that might cause some damage to our infrastructure.
Let’s look at them one by one briefly:
Nibiru or Planet-X or Eris:
Many people are not clear with the relation between Nibiru and planet X when they talk about them. Many say Nibiru itself is called Planet-X also. But many believe they are different.
Anyway Nibiru is a planet or brown dwarf[the celestial object which is not completely a star nor a planet is called brown dwarf. These are called failed stars in general terms] which orbits around sun every 3600 years. And it is claimed to be found by Sumerians or Mesopotamians in their time. Ironic thing is these claims came from modern writers who claimed such thing in fictions. There is no evidence to say that actually it was found or noted by Sumerians or Mesopotamians. In fact, the interesting point is it was supposed to hit us in 2003 as per doomsayers. But unfortunately they failed but did not lose their belief. So, they moved the date to 21st Dec, 2012!!
Planet-X is a name given to any possible object. In 1983 many sources of infrared are found but many suspected objects found to be distant galaxies. But that news of lots of infrared sources are found, created stir among the media and public. Many started with this planet-x theory and are continuing till date. They just want to believe it, so are continuing to believe it even if scientists made it clear there is no such thing. Between, now the claim is even this is about to collide earth on that very same fateful day. Now what else should I tell except that there is not a single evidence to prove it?
Eris was also once a planet-x but now is recognized as dwarf planet which is smaller than our moon. And it is in an orbit that will bring it closer to earth by minimum of 4 billion miles. Absolutely there is no proof to say that Eris might even touch us!
Those who claim that these exist even provide images, videos to make us believe. But they are all false and images of other celestial objects tampered to present them as real Nibiru/Planet-X. So, don’t fall for them.
Galactic alignment:
The Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the winter [or December] solstice sun [winter solstice happens when the earth's axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26'] with the Galactic equator[The Galactic Equator is a virtual line that describes 0 degrees longitude and 0 degrees latitude, and acts as a divisionary line between the northern and southern hemispheres of the Milky Way galaxy. Don’t mistake it for Galactic center!]. This Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 25,800 years. Earth wobbles very slowly on its axis and shifts the position of the equinoxes and solstices one degree every 71.5 years. This causes December solstice sun to precess through the Galactic equator. And now, doomsayers say that in 2012 this galactic alignment is going to happen. And the doomsayers say that Mayans were aware of this galactic alignment. And that this galactic alignment in 2012 will be causing the catastrophe.
But the truth is galactic alignment is not a single day event but is of 36 years as precession depends on the diameter of the sun. And the most precise alignment has already occurred in 1998 with no major incidents observed. Also there is no evidence that Mayans were aware of precessions and gave any importance to solstices.
Geomagnetic reversal:
Geomagnetic reversal is where our earth’s magnetic north pole shifts to South Pole and magnetic South Pole shifts to where north magnetic pole is present.
We understand that earth has its own magnetic field. Also it spins as it orbits. This spin, in fact causes churning of molten iron inside and a stable magnetic field. But it happens that magnetic poles slowly shift and at one point of time suddenly switch their positions leading to geomagnetic reversal.
Now we don’t have any idea when that might happen. It has been observed that there is no regularity in time period between the pole reversals in the past. Last geomagnetic reversal occurred 780000 years ago.
When scientists do not know when this pole reversal will happen next, our doomsayers being far more advanced than the scientists predicted that it is going to happen in 2012!! They also have theories of Nibiru, planet-X, solar flares that are going to cause this geomagnetic reversal. Still moving ahead they seem to know that it is going to have catastrophic effect on earth while our scientists assert there won’t be any bad impact from geomagnetic reversal!!
Blackhole alignment:
At the center of our milkyway galaxy we have Sagittarius A* which is a very compact, bright astronomical radio source. It is very likely that we have a supermassive black hole located near this Sagittarius A*.
Apparently in 2012 this supermassive blackhole would cause gravitational disruption to solar system which will be proved fatal for earth. Why should it happen on that very day itself? Because we are about to have galactic alignment on the very same day!! Now that we know the precise galactic alignment was in 1998 which already is a past. Still doomsayers say it is going to happen on the day!! Even if we assume galactic alignment would happen in 2012 it scientifically makes no sense to say that it is going to cause gravitational disruption. Remember, as I already mentioned galactic alignment is not galactic center!! So we are still about 26000 light years away from galactic center. And for that supermassive blackhole to disrupt gravitational field it should come many million times close to us. And that is not going to happen.
So there is not a single scientific evidence to prove that blackhole alignment is going to cause havoc on earth.
Solar Flare:
Solar activity follows a natural cycle called solar cycle every 11 years. The activity peaks every 11 years and reduces to minimum every 11 years. Similar to earth’s great ocean conveyor belt we have a conveyor belt in sun but of charged hot gas. When cold sunspots are swept by this belt they will reach where sun’s magnetic dynamo amplifies them. Then they will float up to the surface. At this time we see solar flares. Naturally at the peak time of solar cycle there will be more sunspots and hence more solar flare.
As we see scientists at present are almost certain that it will be an average solar flare. Still they also mention that the similar sized solar storm which occurred in 1859 [Carrington event] electrified transmission cable, set fires in telegraph offices, produced Northern Lights so bright that people could read newspapers by their red and green glow. And yes, considering today’s high-tech technology it might cost more expensive than then with damage amounting to 1 or 2 trillion dollars! But yes, it cannot damage the life on earth. So in worst case we are going to experience damages to satellites, transmission cables etc but not to life. In fact the damage to infrastructure we are talking about is the worst case. Majority chances are that we are going to experience much little trouble than this like a delay of 1 or two hours in some satellite programs or having trouble making a call and like that.
Also most important point to note is, this solar storm will be occurring in 2013!! So, if doomsday already occurs on 21st Dec 2012 we need not even worry about solar flares, Isn’t it?!! So yes, in any angle this cannot lead to a catastrophe!!
Volcanic eruption:
Lake Toba is located in the middle of the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. We have seen the largest volcanic eruption in this location last time with a VEI[volcanic explosivity index] intensity of 8. This is biggest known to us in last 25 million years which wiped out about 65% of the total population!
Although the volcanic eruption took place in Indonesia, it deposited an ash layer approximately 15 centimeters thick over the entire Indian subcontinent; at one site in central India, the Toba ash layer today is up to 6 meters thick and parts of Malaysia were covered with 9 m of ash fall. In addition it has been calculated that 1010 metric tons of sulphuric acid was ejected into the atmosphere by the event, causing acid rain fallout.
Now it is said that it completed its 74000 year cycle will again erupt in 2012! And it will be bigger than the last time, so almost all the human species will go extinct!!
But the fact is, it is estimated that last time this volcanic eruption occurred 67500-75500 years ago. And it is impossible to say it erupted exactly 74000 years ago. Even when we consider earlier calderas, they are formed around 700, 000 and 840, 000 years ago. So it makes it highly impossible to predict when it will erupt as it might actually take hundreds of years. And to say it is going to happen in 2012 only is nothing but not just pure surmise but foolishness.
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